By Erica Marcoux, Smith College
Over the past few decades, Bollywood films have become their
own distinct entity, given rise to a new variation of a genre of dance, and
have developed into a globally recognized and appreciated phenomenon.
Globalization is defined by as “the act of extending to other or
all parts of the world”. In the case of dance, globalization takes place when
dance companies go on tour, students go abroad or travel, and particularly
since the dawn of the internet. Dancers may adopt movements from foreign
genres, may train completely in various styles, and some will even work to
adopt the cultural behaviors associated with a dance style. Others might put
their own twist on a dance style to “make it their own” or to adapt the style
to fit in with the context of dance in that culture. When dance forms become
globalized, the question of whether or not the style can maintain its
authenticity is raised. This, in turn, raises the question of what it means to
be culturally authentic in the first place, as well as whether or not a style
of dance can truly be possessed by a person or people. All of these questions
become even more complex when looking at Bollywood dance, a form that in its
“original” state was already a hybrid of elements of both Eastern and Western dance,
but was located in India and primarily based on the classic Indian Kathak
dance. Does this make it an Indian style of dance? By examining a brief history
of the development of Bollywood films and dance, one can trace the evolution of
Bollywood from a specific and hybridized movie dance form into a global
Bollywood films have been in production since the beginning
of the 20th century. Similar to American films, Indian movies were originally
silent, black and white films, and developed into “talkies” and musicals during
the 1930s and 1940s. The first Hindi film with sound was Alam Ara, directed by
Ardeshir Irani, and was released in 1931. The first talkie produced in India
was Ayodhyecha Raja, directed by V. Shantaram and released in 1932 (Subhash,
1970). The early 1930’s marked a time of
great upheaval around the world, with the advent of the Great Depression, the
start of World War II, and the Indian Partition. A potential explanation for
the popularity of musicals at the time lies in these current events; the
escapist and unrealistic nature of musicals is attractive when day-to-day life
is overwhelming and distressing. The first Indian color film was produced in
1937, marking the start of the “Golden Age” of Indian cinema. The Golden Age
lasted into the 1960s, and marks a period in which several of India’s classic
and most popular films were created, as well as the time of India’s
Independence. During this time, there was a growth in the commercial aspect of
films, and a definition between commercial films and new wave films was
unofficially established. The term “Bollywood” did not appear until the 1970s,
when India surpassed the United States as the largest producer of films in the
world. The name came from a combination of “Bombay” (which is now Mumbai, a
cosmopolitan center of India, comparable to New York City in the United States)
and “Hollywood” (Chidanand). “Bollywood” does not refer to films produced all
throughout India, but to a specific region. Other areas of India and South Asia
now have similar names, including Tollywood, Kollywood, Lollywood, and
Following the Hollywood model, Bollywood films incorporated
several aspects of musicals. During a movie, the characters would spontaneously
burst into song, and at least one large “fantasy,” show-stopping number would
be included. These sections of the films incorporate many theatrical elements,
including costumes, lighting, special scenery or props, singing, and of course,
dancing, as can be seen in the following clip from Rodgers’ and Hammerstein’s
Oklahoma!, produced in movie form in 1955.
In earlier Bollywood films, the style of dancing used was based on
classical Indian dance or folk dances from throughout India. These dances
included primarily the Kathak and Bharatanatyam, seen in the following images:
Since the inception of MTV the 1980s, Bollywood dancing has
been heavily influenced by Western dance styles, and incorporates elements from
American MTV and Broadway. In many cases, the musical numbers are released as
separate music videos, and the soundtracks are released prior to the film, in
order to further advertise the upcoming premieres. In modern Bollywood films,
the musical numbers are oftentimes based on the hip-hop style of dance as well
as the variations on hip-hop dance found in the music videos that are played on
MTV in both the United States and in India. These images, from Beyonce’s “Crazy
in Love music video, and from “Chhabeela, Saawariya” in 2007 show similarities
between MTV and Bollywood music videos.
The inclusion of unrealistic music and dance sequences and
the importance given to these music videos in Bollywood movies are a
continuation of the escapist quality of films desired in the 1930s and 1940s,
and put on display the extent to which these trends have circulated.
The musical numbers in Bollywood films most often include
either the hero or heroine of the story, in addition to a large group of
unnamed characters who have been hired as dance extras. The dance sections are
often part of dream sequences or large production numbers that are disconnected
from the plot line of the movie or have little to do with advancing the story.
The songs being sung are most often Hindu, but may be heavily influenced by
Western culture, or in some cases may be completely Westernized. Dressed in
colorful and flashy costumes, the dancers perform on elaborate sets either on
location in scenic regions or in artistically designed indoor settings, as can
be seen in this image from Miranda Nair’s Monsoon Wedding, released in
2001. These elements add up to present a
scene that is decorated with intricate details, brightly lit and embellished,
and that feels separate from the “real world.” There are usually multiple
musical numbers throughout a Bollywood film, but most Bollywood films are
characterized by one major show-stopping performance. This number, referred to
as the “item song,” is probably the longest and most fantastical of them all;
characters will be seen in various costumes within the same song, and often bounce
around from ornate location to ornate location and back again.
Parallel to the rapid expansion in communication technology
and global interactions over the last few decades, the film industry grew, and
movies from other countries became increasingly available and accessible to the masses, particularly in
terms of speed. Since roughly the 2000s, Bollywood has been the producer of the
highest number of films per year, with an astounding average of over 1000 films
per year. This is more than double the average number of films produced each
year by Hollywood (Matusitz and Payano, 66). Today, one can purchase a
Bollywood dance workout DVD, watch Bollywood routines on competition series “So
You Think You Can Dance,” which is
broadcast in twenty-four different countries, attend numerous international
film festivals that feature Bollywood films, sign up to take Bollywood dance
classes at local studios, and more. One such studio, run by the Young Indian
Culture Group in Albertson, New York, states:
Elaborate Bollywood dance numbers are an important highlight
of Bollywood films. This engaging Indian dance style blends various dance forms
including Indian classical dance, Indian folk, jazz influences, and Western
This brings to the forefront the fact that instructors of
Bollywood dance in the United States are conscious of the fact that Bollywood
dance in itself consists of numerous elements and has many influences, and find
this important to share with their potential students, thus amplifying the
hybridity of Bollywood in a commercial way.
One way to look at Bollywood dance from a global perspective
is to recognize it as a hybrid, globalized form even in its original,
“authentic” state. The movements incorporated into early Bollywood films were
based primarily on classical Indian dance and folk dances from the time,
including both the Kathak and Bharatanatyam styles. This aspect of the dancing comes
from South Asian tradition and is based
on Indian culture. The Western elements of Bollywood dance come into play in
early Bollywood films mostly in terms of context. The set-up of having
disconnected dance sequences that feature elaborate costumes, sets,
choreography, and music dispersed throughout a movie is directly connected to
the musicals being produced both by Hollywood and on Broadway during the early
to mid-twentieth century. Currently, Bollywood dance is still influenced by
Western culture, perhaps even more so than when it began. However, rather than
taking their cues from Hollywood and Broadway, directors, producers, and
choreographers are incorporating elements from music videos that one might view
on MTV in both the United States and in India. These modern elements include
the frequent costume and location changes during musical numbers, as well as
the use of larger, more extroverted movements to capture an audience’s
attention. “…the formation of Bollywood is a process at once entirely Indian
and cross-cultural.” (Kao and Do Rozario, 313). The musical number “Mhare Hiwda
Mein Naache Mor” from Sooraj R. Barjatya’s Hum Saath Saath Hain (1999) uses
both costume changes and drastic changes in location.
Aside from the tremendous growth in technology and
communication, the rapid spread and popularity of Bollywood films and dance can
be attributed to migration. Close to 60,000 people leave India each year with
the destination of the United States alone ( The resulting
Indian diaspora is large and quite prominent, and with the spreading of people
from different cultures comes the dissemination of culture. As more and more
individuals leave India, (many for business related reasons), the Indian
population in countries outside of India increases and leads to the development
of Indian communities in these countries. These communities are
dislocated from nation and establishing communal solidarity
through shared cultural practices and media. The coincidence of ‘imagined
space’ and ‘imagined community’ intimates a connection between Bollywood and
its diasporic audiences defined by the act of imagination. (Kao and Do Rozario,
The escapist nature of musical Bollywood films described
previously causes these “imagined spaces” to be created, and allows for
audience members to avoid reality and seek comfort in an imagined and
fantasized world. In the case of the Indian diaspora, these films provide a
means for remembering their home culture and reminding themselves of their
Indian identities.
This appeal is, of course, not limited to Indian audiences;
the pull for American audiences stems from a similar place. However, in this
case, the desired escape is not to a place of imagined community, but to a
place that is exotic and far away. Western culture holds a fascination with
exoticism and, through media like films, makes elements of Eastern culture
appear more foreign and different than they are in truth, and often does so by
developing or reproducing stereotypes. In the case of Bollywood, audiences
often see bejeweled women with dark eyes and long, dark hair singing in a
different language and dancing in ways that are not common in the United
States, in locations that are unfamiliar, providing the exotic and escapist
quality of early and modern Bollywood films. The following clip puts this image
of women prominently on display. Bollywood films have also become prominent in
diverse Israel, and are featured at the Jerusalem International Film Festival.
In Israel, there are two cable networks, “Hot Bombay” and “Yes India”, that are
devoted solely to the playing of Indian films. Not only are Bollywood films and
dance enjoyed by those in Israel, but they are part of a current process of
collaboration between the Film Foundation of India and Israel’s Project
Interchange and the American Jewish Committee to produce hybrid films.
Another contributor to the global spread of Bollywood film
and dance is the growth of India as a world power. With a population of more
than one billion, India ranks second in number of inhabitants in the world, and
is continuing to grow significantly with each year.
( Similarly, India is in the top
five countries economically worldwide, and is a current model for successful
education and business ( Having these kinds of power means
being an important influence on national and international culture. With the
successes of India comes healthier finances, and with healthier finances comes
the capacity for Bollywood to produce more and better films, for actors in the
films to become celebrities, and for audience members to attend more movie
showings. The prevalence of India in today’s world makes it a driving cultural
force that is recognized at festivals and awards ceremonies internationally.
The existence and globalization of Bollywood dance can be
viewed as both a positive and negative phenomenon. On the positive side,
bringing dance to film is an effective method of both spreading the art of
dance to the masses and inspiring people to participate in or become interested
in the dance world. Propagating Bollywood dance creates a sense of
multiculturalism in the countries it is brought to, and brings an awareness of
a portion of Indian culture and dance to these countries. When other dance traditions in these
countries, incorporate elements of Bollywood dance into their own repertoire,
it creates a fusion of styles, and expands the movement vocabulary accessible
to both dancers and choreographers. Trained students or instructors can make
adaptations to the dance style or use the movements from Bollywood as
inspiration for a different piece of choreography. This exposure to “other”
forms of dance not only provides opportunities for individuals to learn more
about dance, but may inspire people to learn about tradition, and develop a
better understanding and respect for other cultures.
On the other hand, there are several negative aspects in the
globalization of Bollywood dance. While it can be seen as increasing multiculturalism,
it is vital to note that Bollywood dance is not and cannot be considered
representative of Indian dance or India. Making these assumptions or being
oblivious to these facts leads to the production of or continuation of
stereotypes that are unhealthy in creating a respectful, multicultural setting.
This subliminal stereotyping is not exclusive to foreign films. For example,
the way that the jitterbug might presented in a Hollywood movie doesn’t really
represent the dance that originated out of black harlem culture. The context
and intentions of the jitterbug as well as the depictions of the developers and
dancers of the jitterbug are most likely inaccurate, and are most certainly
incapable of representing an entire group of people. Another issue with
Bollywood dance is the fact that its origins lie in a hybridization that makes
some form of an exaggerated mockery of classical and traditional Indian dance
Writer Drid Williams discusses his strong disgust toward the
dance style in an article that connects Bollywood dance to post-modern dance:
Bollywood’s originators and managers are aware of the rules
of Indian aesthetics, Indian
dancing and the many traditions that over the centuries produced India’s
dance forms…Bollywood’s pundits
undoubtedly know—or at least know about—such things, but they have chosen
rampant commercialism and consumerism with its inherent tastelessness instead.
(Williams, 21).
Williams’ point of view brings up the question of
authenticity in dance traditions. The Kathak’s roots are in storytelling, and
the movements were often performed as part of some rituals. Bharatantayam is
even further linked to spirituality; in its early forms, dating back to 1000
BC, the dance was performed as an act of the utmost devotion to the Hindu gods.
The Western adaptations made to and the sexualization of the classical Kathak
and Bharatanatyam dance forms may be considered offensive, and in being
altered, may lose their original intentions and meanings.
Bollywood films and dance are, and continue to become,
globally recognized as major elements of the Indian culture. These Indian films
are prime examples of globalization, as they involve a hybridization between
the West and India, migration, and the global propogation of Bollywood with the
growth of India as a world power. Through the means of technology and
communication, migration, and India’s increasing power and influence in the
world, the dance style has been quickly dispersed throughout the world. As
Bollywood films and dance become more popular, the dance form itself has taken
on many forms and adaptations. Now, the dance style can be used as an element
for musical films, taught in classes, performed in competitions, or used as a
form of exercise. As the already hybridized dance form continues to be altered
and expanded upon, it becomes questionable as to whether or not globalization
is a positive or negative phenomenon. Bollywood on a global level can lead to
financial gains as well as recognition for India, but it also perpetuates
stereotypes. Also, an increase in the recognition of dance can be viewed
positively, while the alteration of a cultural treasure can be viewed as both
offensive and unnecessary. Whether or not this question of positivity or negativity
is ever answered, one fact remains clear: globalization is a force that takes
place for numerous reasons and on many levels, and one that does not look like
it will cease any time in the near future.
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